samedi 14 février 2015

Lawnboy 7263 running too lean???

Helloi All:

I am atttempting to get a Lawnboy model 7263 to run well. Right now it is so lean that it only fires about every 12-20 th rotation of the blade. I can start it by spraying carb cleaner into the carb but it will barely run after started. I can cover the carb throat at about 95% with my thumb before it starts to choke from insufficient air supply. I can not get a too rich condition with this engine. It is so lean that it will backfire through the carb. The plug is dry after running. I tried 3 different plugs just for laughs.

I have done the following to no avail:

Checked for a fuel supply at the carb. Plenty of fuel being supplied.

Cleaned all fuel passages in the carb.

Checked the float level and it was perfect.

Checked the needle and seat and they were perfect.

Checked for an air leak in the primer bulb and hose. They were were perfect. Pushing the primer bulb makes no difference! ???????????? It should richen the mixture and cause the engine to gain speed. This may indicate a fuel blockage but I have cleaned and inspected all fuel passages. This may be the key to the problem. I can blow through the primer hose into the carb. This should force more fuel into the carb if it is funtioning and cause the engine to become richer but it does not! ???????????

Checked the reeds and reed plate and they were perfect.

Float pin and float are in perfect working condition.

Checked for an air leak around he carb body and there was none. All gaskets are fine. No fuel leaks.

Position of the throtle makes no difference. It only runs at a very slow speed and sometimes stops.

Any suggestins as to what is wrong with this engine?



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