jeudi 3 mars 2016

OH195 carb leaking and no fixes help

My engine was surging so I rebuilt the carb. It ran great but began leaking gas from the drain plug on the float bowl. The carb is a series 1 emission. I replaced the bowl with a
new one without the drain and the carb was leaking just enough gas to make my garage smell like gas.
I replaced the o-ring between the float bowl and carb body and it started leaking much
worse. The gas is leaking out of the o-ring and backing up the primer hose. This is what I have tried.

1. repaired the original float bowl by removing the drain and plugging the hole with a screw head and JB Weld. Reinstalled original bowl.

2. Replaced the needle, seat, gaskets making sure the grove was down on the seat and set the float to 11/64.

3. Made sure the needle clip was pointing the correct way and tested float in a sink of water. Set the float level to 7/32

The carburetor still starts leaking pretty heavily after about 15 minutes. I have searched and don’t know what else to try. I would appreciate any help

OH195 carb leaking and no fixes help

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