jeudi 28 août 2014

Repairs HRR216 SDA Cable, Clutch Install

Acquired a nice little HRR216 SDA MZCG 6096620, tonight from a guy who was just plain tired of messing with it. Said the self propelled no longer worked. Well I inspected everything and determined that at least the "cable, clutch" was broken at the tranny end. As far as I could tell, the guts of the tranny seemed to function properly when I opened it for inspection. One thing that puzzles me is it looks like there are two different places that the cable could mount to under there. So I'm not sure he had it in the proper location to begin with. I've searched high and low and can't seem to find a photo or diagram of how the cable is properly routed and installed. Any help with this would be appreciated.


BTW, Put fresh oil and gas in it and it runs great!

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