samedi 21 mars 2015

Buying Advice Needed Please

My Craftsman GT5000 has finally kicked it and I am in need of a new mower. I own an acre of land that is mostly flat, with a sand mound in the back, so minor slopes. I want to get something that's not cheaply built and will hold some value for when it comes time to trade in when I have more sufficient funds to get something like a Husqvarna M-ZT 52($5800).

So....I am need of some buying advice for residential use.

What mower, Riding Mower (Tractor or ZT) would you recommend for:

- New

- 1 acre, mostly flat with a sand mound

- $2000-$3600

- some landscaping to go around

- 43"+ deck

- Built well

- Maintains descent resale value

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