mercredi 18 mars 2015

FH580V carburetor removal

I what to remove my carburetor to bring to a local lawnmower dealer to have my carburetor professional soaked and cleaned. I am concerned about me being able to remove this carburetor because of the uninstall instructions I read on page 3-25 of the service manual linked to the attachment below. The appears to me from reading that page that there are certain parts that have to be marked back to their original marking before you are able to remove the carburetor, and may be a little to much for me to handle, since I have never removed a carburetor before. The photo of my carburetor can be found on page 3-22 as it is the picture on the top of that page. Below you will find a attachment to the service manual. The Kawasaki engine on my Gravely lawnmower is the FH580V.

Any helpful information would be deeply appreciated. Thanks!

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