lundi 21 septembre 2015

3.5 Classic engine kickback, but not the flywheel key.


I have a 3.5 Classic engine on my Alko Tiller, recently had to remove engine (in one piece) from tiller deck to fix and retrieve a broken captive nut in the tiller deck, after job was finished and the engine replaced, I tried to start it but the pullcord snapped back and white smoke came out of exhaust, I tried again with the same result
I assumed that the flywheel key had broken or moved somehow (as it had not hit any object and had been standing for some time), I removed the flywheel and checked but nothin wrong there.
I am now at a loss as to what it might be, any advice would be gratefully received.

Also I have an excellent Quatro engine on a redundant Hayter mower, would the mounting holes on this be the same as on the Classic, in which case I will just swap the engines over and work at leisure on the Classic.

Thanks for reading.

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