mardi 1 septembre 2015

Snapper RER rear wheels not turning

Hey guys!

I'm new to the forum and, for that matter, new to riders. I was given a '95 M250819BE the other day and it's in near new condition, well other than the locked wheels issue... The differential appears to work, as when off the ground the wheels spin opposite each other smoothly. With effort, I can spin both wheels backwards and can actually get movement from the drive wheel. That's with a bit of difficulty, like I'm dragging a brake (the brake on the drive wheel is loose and not engaged). Forward wheel rotation just plain doesn't happen. It would seem that if I get some sort of movement from the drive wheel when moving the wheels either way would point to the chains being OK, but maybe I'm missing something there. I haven't tried it running, but from what I understand it's the same either way. Any thoughts or ideas?

Thanks in advance!

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