dimanche 27 mars 2016

Sprung replacement seat for ride on mower- any advantages ?

I am guessing this comes under operation or mowers, especially as it involves operaror comfort ?

I have an MTD ride on, basic model, which is a great little mower but has no suspension and solid seat. I am fine with this but my wife likes to cut the grass but gets backache from being thrown around.
Ground here is about3" of clay soil on stone so not easy to level, I am trying but new tank traps appear regularly.

I am looking at seats with a gas ram as suspension, but would they help. Even helping a bit would do.
I guess being thrown side to side will not improve much but may take out the sudden drops. Not a huge amount of extra height can be added, hence the smaller seats would fit I think.

Anyone tried these ? Any advice appreciated, I will probably buy one anyway but perhaps there is something better (apart from buying a bigger and better mower....)

Sprung replacement seat for ride on mower- any advantages ?

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