lundi 23 février 2015

Honda HR-21 Restoration

I'm restoring an early 1980s Honda HR-21 mower. Last weekend I was sanding the deck to paint it, and it occurred to me that this aluminum might polish up nicely. I have a 1962 Airstream camper that I polish regularly, so I've got lots of practice doing that. So I spent a couple of hours cleaning it up and polishing the deck. It's not a great job, but I figure that a good job may take around 20 hours. It is definitely not worth spending that kind of time on. I was hoping that some of you folks who are passionate about mowers would give me your opinion. Does this just look stupid, or is it kind of cool? Should I just go ahead and paint it silver like it originally was, or spray a clear coat on it like it is now to keep it from corroding?

Mower Deck 1.png

Mower Deck 2.png

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