samedi 28 novembre 2015

Trouble charging what I'm worth

H I every one, just joined today. I've been landscaping for 3 years now. My fall clean ups been mostly small residential homes. This year my lawyer highered me to do his fall clean up because the man who normally does it sucks. This property is at least a acre or a little more, filled with trees every where. I work with my father, I have 2 stihl magnum back pack blowers, 29 hp monster leaf loader. I know I should buy a walk behind blower and a leaf plow but not sure if it's the right time for that investment (don't want to buy those things for one job). Most of the leaves on the property I had to blow into piles untill I couldn't move them any more, then I would step over that pile and start a new pile. All the while moving towards the main dumping area in the back of the property. I then had to rake the leaves onto tarps and drag them and dump them. The final step was to blow all the leaves on the hill down to the street( because I thought it would be more efficient then trying to blow them up the hill and dragging them) I then sucked them up with my loader and filled that to capacity just one time. I usualy charge $40.00 per load. Ok so I was there 2 days total of 16 hours. I was thinking to charge 30 per man per hour so that would be 960.00+40=$1,000.00 total for 2 8 hour days of very difficult work. So my questions are, am I over charging? If I had the walk behind blower and leaf plow would I of saved that much time? If I did have those other tools should I charge more because more equiptment on the job like 40 per man per hour etc.? On a last note my father and I work are butts off and we maybe stopped for a coffee and a power bar 1 time all day. Sorry for the length of this post hopefully I can get some feedback. Thanks

Trouble charging what I'm worth

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