samedi 5 décembre 2015

10Hp Snow Blower troubles

I have a 10HP HM100 15xxxxxxxxxx snow blower, that has been giving me trouble for a while now. (if you want all the extra numbers I will need to remove the electric start button)

What I did to prepare for the winter.
Before I put gas in it I took the main jet out, cleaned all the holes with a fine wire. Even the super tiny one on the main jet. I'm talking about the one that you can barley see.

I have an adjustable main jet so I took that apart and cleaned it as well. I pulled the bowl off and clean it out, there was barely any varnish everything was really clean.

I made sure my pin and seat were working good, It felt like it was stuck shut and made a click when the float pulled it down. I assume that is good. It appeared to be working correctly.

With reassembly I made sure that the lower part of the bowl would allow the float to drop down low. and made sure the adjustable jet was 3 ~3.5 turns out

I cleaned the spark plug with a wire brush and some soft sanding, it was very black and sooty.

I put some fresh gas in it, primed it till I saw gas come out the air intake. And started it up.

Additional Info
plastic tank, with new gas lines, new gas filter.

1. The throttle gets pulled in a bit despite me setting it to max. When I use the machine I need to hold the throttle out all the way to throw snow further, the machine wont stall while under load in half throttle.
2. The machine will just shut off after its been running great for a minute or two. (I can use the auger and 3,2,1 + reverse without it stalling with no choke)
3. The tank mysteriously empties, I thought I left gas in the tank when I put it away last winter. But I found it bone dry. I can't see any leak.

I read around on the internet that the gas cap might be broken, so I removed the gas cap and ran it, it still shut off.

If I give it 3/4 choke it seems to stay running. Could this have anything to do with the weather/carb tune? Its 8C outside today(I have been turning in the main jet slowly and checking the spark plug to see if I have a good mix).

After it turns off I can immediately start it again with one pull, no prime, full choke, once it starts I can quickly remove the choke and it will run.

Any help would greatly be appreciated, I don't wanna be shoveling this winter.

10Hp Snow Blower troubles

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