mercredi 24 juin 2015

Buying Advice IS700z vs IS2100z - Which do I need?

I'm shopping for my first ZTR. I've just about pulled the trigger on a new Ferris IS700z, 61" deck with the 27hp Commercial Turf Briggs. Thought I'd come here and get thoughts from users with actual experience on these machines.

I'm mowing about 6 acres. Some rolling hills, but nothing very extreme. I've been using a very mature Massey 135 with a 6' finish mower. Hoping to cut substantial mowing time.

I'd really like the 2100z. I know a couple people with them and they all love them. One particularly is used on multiple properties, so I know it would be up to handling my yard. However - the price tag really blows my budget. I've driven the 700 and really like it. My only concern is whether it will handle our 6 acres, and will it last.

Anyone have experience with the 700 on acreage this size?

Appreciate any and all thoughts to consider...


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